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25th November 2015


  • Introductions:
    • All present at the meeting introduced themselves and KS read through the apologies from the members that could not attend the meeting.
  •  Update on staff changes at the practice:
    • A new member of the Reception team has been hired – Sam Blake will be working the afternoon and evening shifts and supporting Monica and Sharon.
    • Dr Shoreman has left the practice to spend more time in the countryside. The practice is currently trailing a few GPs to take over her session.
    • Due to the increase in the number of patients registering with the practice we have added on two extra doctors sessions on a Wednesday morning and a Thursday afternoon.
    • The practice is also hoping to add an extra session on for the practice nurse as well.
    • The practice has a new Primary Care Navigator – Nadia Marhri. She is happy to liaise with all patients over the age of 55 years to assist with their social requirements.
  • Changes at the practice:
    • KS updated the group on the progression of the expansion to the premises. A meeting with NHSE will be taking place on 30th November to decide whether the practice can be funded for 2 extra clinic rooms to meet the demands of our patients.
  • News from the NHS:
    • The Whole Systems project is progressing well and patients over the age of 65 will soon start to be invited to the practice for a detailed care plan appointment.
  • Feedback from CQC visit:
    • KS thanks the members of the group that attended the CQC inspection day.
    • The results of their inspection should be released early in the new year and KS will provide information at the next meeting as well as posting the certificate in the waiting room and on the website.
  • Survey 2015-16
    • The group discussed that due to the new Friends and Family questionnaires being sent to patients attending the practice there is less of a need for a full survey to be sent to patients. The group agreed that a few questions could be sufficient and discussed the possible options:
    • Opening and Closing times:
      • Are the opening times suited to the patients requirements?
    • Facilities in the practice
      • Are there any further facilities that patients would like at the practice?
    • Online access
      • Do patients know that they can book their appointments, order their repeat medication and view their summary care record via their online access?
    • Joining the Patient Participation Group
      • Would you like to join the patient participation group? This can be in a virtual capacity.
  • AOB:
    • The group discussed the limitations of having wifi access for patients at the practice. KS explained that all practice staff access the internet via a secure cable link and there is no wifi in the building.  To enable wifi this would incur a cost to the practice which is not deemed essential for patient care.
    • The group discussed the importance of growing the Patient Participation Group to include more patients from all age groups. KS explained that the survey may help as well as asking all the new patients.

Minutes taken by: Kas Shackleford – Practice Manager.

The next PPG meeting will be in 3 months time.