Minutes from Patient Participation Meeting 29th July 2015
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29th July 2015
- Introductions:
- All present at the meeting introduced themselves and KS read through the apologies from the members that could not attend the meeting. She also explained that due to a recent survey sent to all patients including an offer to join the PPG there was now an increased number of patients choosing to be virtual members.
- Update on staff changes at the practice:
- KS explained to the group that she returned to the position of Practice Manager on 1st June 2015.
- A new member of the Reception team has been hired – Ollie Barnes will be working the afternoon and evening shifts and supporting Monica and Sharon.
- Dr Mylene Shoreman has replaced Dr Miriam Walsh and will be working Monday afternoons and all day Tuesday.
- Dr Walsh gave birth to a healthy baby girl and called her June – the group wished her all the best.
- Dr Clare Michell will be working alongside Dr Scudder on Wednesday mornings throughout August and September. She is able to offer coil insertions.
- The practice has a new Health Care Assistant – Mehran Soomro. He will be offering phlebotomy clinics on a Monday and Thursday morning and also supporting the clinical team with care plans and health checks for our eligible patients.
- Changes at the practice:
- KS explained that a local practice has recently closed down due to the Principle doctor retiring (Sydney Street Practice). This has increased the number of patients registering with the practice and therefore increased the registered patient list size by over 5%. The practice has decided that to make sure the access and care the practice provides all the patients remains at a high standard, we have submitted a request to NHSE to have extra clinical and administration rooms. KS highlighted aspects of the report that will be shortly submitted to NHSE and the further benefits of having more space – becoming a training practice and being able to offer more services. The group were reassured that the increase in the practice list size will not affect the personalised care that the practice aims to offer.
- The Out of Hospital Services will be offered at the practice from 1st These include:
- ANTI COAGULATION – LEVEL 1 (MONITORING) –Patients will be able to have their INR levels monitored at the practice for their dosing of their warfarin.
- CASE FINDING, CARE PLANNING AND CASE MONITORING – Eligible patients will be invited to the practice for an individual care plan.
- COORDINATE MY CARE – Is a resource for our patients with end of life requirements.
- DIABETES – HIGH RISK OF PRE DIABETES & LEVEL 1 – Reviewing and caring for our Diabetic patients as well as promoting good health to avoid Diabetes.
- NEAR PATIENT MONITORING – Looking after our patients that are on particular medications.
- PHLEBOTOMY – The practice will be offering a phlebotomy service on Monday and Thursday mornings. From 9-10am it will be a walk in service with bookable appointments from 10am.
- SIMPLE WOUND CARE – Our practice nurse – Janice will be caring for patients requiring simple wound care.
- SPIROMETRY TESTING – Janice and the Health Care Assistant will be offering spirometry testing for our eligible patients.
- HOMELESS – The practice will be able to look after homeless patients
- ABPM – Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring will be available for our eligible patients.
Further services will be made available in October and December and the group will be informed of these at the next meeting.
- The practice has changed its opening hours:
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday; 8am – 7pm
- Wednesday; 8am – 2pm
The aim is to make the practice more accessible and Dr Lewis will be commencing his morning sessions from 8.30am and Dr Michell from 9am. The group agreed that this will be beneficial.
- News from the NHS:
- The Whole Systems project will be starting to renovate the Violet Melchett Centre with the aim of offering an integrated multidisciplinary team lead care for patients over the age of 65 years in January 2016. KS explained that north of West London CCG have already opened their Whole System Hub and The Chelsea Practice is hoping to be one of the test sites for the new hub in the south. She will keep the group updated with the progression of the project but commented that there may be slight disruption due to the building works adjacent to the practice. Once again she will keep the group and the patients abreast of developments.
- AOB:
- The group had an informal chat regarding the practice and looking forward to the improvements.
Minutes taken by: Kas Shackleford – Practice Manager.
The next PPG meeting will be in 3 months time.